Standby Fee for Advanced Classes


Paying this fee makes you eligible to take any of our advanced classes that you are eligible for at any of our locations as a standby student.

Standby works as a last minute waitlist.  Students arrive early to the class they would like to get into so they can to see if there is a last minute open seat created by unprepared or late students that are registered for that class, so the office is not able to predict when there might be openings ahead of time.

Since standby spots are first -come first -served, the earlier you arrive the better.  Generally start times that have the most students coming at once have a higher likelihood of having an open spot.  Since classes are sometimes cancelled, be sure to check the schedule just before coming so you do not waste your time.

Since all of the same gear and curriculum requirements for attendance apply to any class attended as a standby, be sure you are familiar with our requirements before paying this fee.

Since all of the same requirements for attendance apply to any class attended as a standby, you will not be let into class and/or receive credit toward your certificate if you do not meet these requirements and/or do not identify yourself with the same valid, government- issued photo ID.

This standby fee is non-refundable and not transferable, and is only offered to students that have already paid in full for a confirmed seat with Bay Area Motorcycle Training within the year.

By paying this standby fee you are agreeing to abide by the conditions above. 

Throttle Control

The single most important control on your motorcycle is the throttle. This is because—beyond speed and acceleration—it applies forces to so many aspects of your bike's handling, including traction, suspension, weight transfer, steering, stability, and ground clearance. Knowing how to skillfully apply the throttle is one of the major distinctions between good riders and great riders

Brake Control

Because emergency stops can be scary due to the limited amount of traction you have and how much it would hurt to kiss the ground, very few riders practice quick braking and even less have the actual knowledge and skills to do it safely. During our Intermediate Riding Clinic, you will learn and practice the right technique to achieve short stops so you are prepared when you need to brake quickly and avoid a hazard


Vision is, without a doubt, the most fundamental skill for proper riding. The majority of decisions made while riding are based on information coming in through your eyes. The main reason for vision being so critical is thatyou go where you lookbut even experienced racers struggle with maintaining proper vision through the corners. At Total Control you will learn why riders go where they look and how you can use your eyes to your advantage and safety during every ride

Line Selection

Unlike cars, motorcycles can take a lot of different lines through a particular corner. Some of these lines will help you make a safe and serene progression through the bends, while others will ruin your perfect ride! During our Intermediate Riding Clinic you will learn how to plan and follow proper lines on every corner of the road

Low Speed Turns

Few activities in street riding can be as frustrating as having to make a low-speed, tight turn in a limited amount of space—especially if you don't know the technique. Fortunately, it is one of the easiest skills to learn. In fact, most riders are able to reduce their minimum turning diameter by 30 to 40 percent in as little as five minutes of practice!

Evasive Manuevers

Swerving around an obstacle at speed can be a life-saving technique but it requires skill and practice to avoid surpassing the available traction of your tires and crashing during the maneuver. During our Intermediate Riding Clinic, you will learn and practice the technique necessary to do it safely when the emergency arises

Road Speed Turns

During our Intermediate Riding Clinic, you will learn how to put together the throttle control, vision, line selection and body position techniques to practice safe turns at road speeds during your everyday rides